
We Support Our Local Businesses

Supporting local businesses in Patterson Springs, NC is more than a transaction, it’s an investment in our community. By choosing to shop locally, residents contribute to the economic vitality of Patterson Springs and help sustain the unique character of our area. Each time our residents choose to support a local business, it nurtures entrepreneurship, fosters a sense of community pride, and ensures that our town will continue to thrive.
We regularly feature local businesses on our website. See the listings below of businesses that have already been featured.

Featured Business Listings

Apples of Gold Daycare
Apples of Gold Daycare is owned by Misty Greene and is located in Patterson Springs. This daycare has a five star center license and cares for children from the ages of 1 to 12 years old. Children and families in our community are well cared for at this daycare.
Location: 1633 South Post Road
Phone: 704-481-9265
Apples of Gold Pre-School sign in Cleveland County, NC